The most significant - and technically impressive, in my opinion - aspect of the Circuit Playground Express is that it doesn't dictate the tech you use! There's 3 great ways to start. It's an add-on lets you #MakeRobotFriend using CircuitPython, MakeCode, or Arduino." The Crickit makes it easy to control motors and adds additional power options to drive them! Great for creating small bots or battlebots as my kids do. You can also mount the Circuit Playground Express onto a Crickit which is the " Creative Robotics & Interactive Construction Kit. It's great for younger kids because you can use alligator clips for the input output pins which means no soldering for easy projects.

It even can receive and transmit IR for any remote control. It's got 10 NeoPixels, a motion sensor, temp sensor, light sensor, sound sensor, buttons, a slide, and a speaker. One of the devices I keep coming back to is the extremely versatile Circuit Playground Express. While you're at it, go sign up for the Adabox Subscription and get amazing hardware projects mailed to you in a mystery box regularly! You should check out the YouTube video we made when I visited Adafruit Industries in New York with my nephew. I'm an unabashed Adafruit fan and I often talking about them because I'm always making cool stuff with their hardware and excellent tutorials.